Saturday, January 29, 2011

Entry Three: "Symbols all around you"

When I went out to photograph symbols for this journal entry, I started with immediate symbols that I see everyday. Such as the 5mph driving sign that I park next to every single day at the apartment complex that I live at. The neighborhood watch sign that I drive pass as I leave the apartment complex. Then onto the no parking, dead end, pedestrian, and speed limit signs that I pass by again as I make my way to the NAU campus. When I get inside the Cline Library I photograph the hearing assistance symbol and the hand dryer symbol. I leave the library to photograph the handicapped symbol and the symbol of the no funny business next to the trash bin.
So far, these are just a handful of visuals that I consciously see when I think of symbols. For the remainder of the photographs, I went to a craft store to see what I could find there. I found the symbol of a skater zone, pirate skull and crossbones, and an alarm symbol. The one symbol I found interesting during this second search was the symbol that had the color and shape of a stop sign. The content in this symbol was a notice to customers that they were on camera.
I notice a pattern going on from here; every symbol I see has a distinct shape that was symmetrical. Oval, square, circle, and octagon were main shapes that I found. Some symbols even had shapes within shapes.
The use of lines is very distinct in all these symbols. Lines are used to separate words from the symbol. Lines are used to distinguish ‘NO’ as in do not park in this zone. Lines are used to distinguish dimension in the symbols; such as the pedestrian symbol where the two lines are used to project different levels.
Color above all is very strong in all these symbols. Blue, yellow, red, white, and black are strong colors in nature, but to make them bold and using them together really brings a lot of attention and immediacy. 

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